When a customer asked about a solution for their reverberant small office in the den of a downtown Kelowna condo we jumped at the opportunity to make a custom solution that would fit their space.
The room was only 7.5′ deep and 6′ wide with a large opening to the rest of the condo so we primarily had only 2 walls to work with. On the back wall was some art that the client wanted to work around and in front of that was a computer desk and shelving setup. The photos below also show the acoustic foam the client had tried using to make the room more intelligible for work calls and enjoyable for gaming.

After reviewing the dimensions we quickly realized our standard 48″ x 24″ acoustic panels wouldn’t fit so we got to work doing something we love − customizing. The solution? New 16″ acoustic panels.
Below is the floorplan of the condo and the sound solution we ended up building.

To fill the blank space above the art, on the back wall, we mounted a single 48″ x 16″ x 4.25″ acoustic panel. On the front wall, above the desk shelving we added three horizontally mounted 24″ x 16″ x 4.25″ panels with room for ornaments to sit below.

The color Cement Mix was chosen by a local interior designer who managed the unit to create an elegant monotone look that would match any space. Below are the panels we ended up creating with a removable, magnetized logo in the center to easily add customization.

If you’re also interested in 16″ acoustic panels please let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider adding them to our regular panel lineup here on the Sound Camel site. We think including 16″ x 16″ squares would allow for a lot of customization with acoustic placements and this is something we’re looking forward to trying out in the future!